
Paris X it is!

I had a meeting with the director of my academic program, MICEFA, today. We (mostly she) decided that I will go to the university Paris X - Nanterre this semester. I am really excited to finally have that decision made! I will visit the school next week to take a placement test. Based on the results of that placement test, I will be able to enroll in classes in their department for foreign students and potentially in other departments at the university. I probably won't get to actually decide my classes until the end of September. And classes start October 5th!

It's about a 45 minute commute, which isn't terrible but wasn't my preference. Hopefully it will be worth the long ride. I will only be taking 2 or 3 courses there, so I may only have to go twice a week. I will also be taking a course through MICEFA called "Les Francais a travers le cinema," which means French through film. I think that will be a lot of fun! I may take one other course through MICEFA depending on what's available at Nanterre.

The rest of my day was spent in class and wandering through a fun neighborhood in Paris called le Marais, which has a lot of fun boutiques and art galleries. We even found a frozen yogurt place, which a favorite pastime in DC!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I'm take Le Cinéma Fraçais at AU this semester. We should totally compare notes!
